Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


Jamie McIntyre and John Buell Meeting June 11, 2015

SCORE offer different levels of CEO group/forums for smaller sized companies.

  • (for businesses less than $2 M and 15 employees)
    • Connect with like-minded people who care about their own, and your success.
    • Engage in a structured peer-to-peer business discussions with trained facilitators.
    • Solve strategic business issues and problems.
    • Set strategic goals and methods for implementing them.
    • Current forum members agree the $120 monthly fee is a small price to pay and well worth it.

THE BEST GROUP (cost estimate $800 to $1000/month)

Minimum Criteria To Be Eligible to Enter The B.E.S.T. Group Selection Process:

  • Must have a minimum of two to three years CEO/business owner experience
  • Must have five or more year of leadership experience
  • Must currently have P & L responsibility
  • Must run a San Diego County based company with a minimum of 15 employees (or meet minimum annual revenue requirements)
  • Must currently be in a business growth and/or business improvement mode


VISTAGE  (last known cost $1400/month)

  • Group coaching is the foundation to your success as a leader
  • Put twelve or so high performing business executives in a room and the potential is enormous. Each Vistage group is specifically tailored to CEOs, small business owners, key executives, or trusted advisors. They’re purpose-built so that members can help each other to solve their most pressing business concerns through a process we call peer advisory. More than 19,000 members across the globe count on the peers in their Vistage group to provide fresh perspectives and new ideas to the problems facing our CEO’s and executives at every monthly meeting.
  • Vistage Chairs give the group the best executive coaching possible
  • The role of a Vistage Chair is to ensure that every bit of their group’s experience and wisdom is applied in a training meeting. Chairs are accomplished leaders. You can call them a CEO coach, but they are so much more than that. They are totally committed to the success of group members. Through their executive coaching services, they help stimulate thinking, frame issues, guide discussions, and ensure accountability in the group. Vistage Chairs take on the role with the express purpose of helping others build great businesses.
  • Coaches hold you accountable to drive your learning and development
  • During meetings, and in their private one-to-one coaching sessions each month, Chairs encourage and support members’ personal and professional growth, and hold members accountable for taking action on their goals. They help to develop their members and give back the knowledge they have earned through their own outstanding careers as CEOs, executives, and business owners.


MILLION DOLLAR MASTERMIND as taught by Napoleon Hill in the offices of INTEGRITY (

  • Customize the players you want in the group set through initial “Meet and Greet.”
  • five to six entrepreneurs in non competing categories
  • Monthly meeting in Oceanside, CA
    • pre-commit to 12 months
    • same time same place
    • set duration for each meeting
    • no food
    • WiFi
    • 40 inch computer monitors
    • each person has a set presentation time
    • Problem solving that meets your specific agenda
  • Learn the 4 + 2 Marketing Advertising and Promotion strategy
    • Get business sooner than later
    • Present only to your pure target market
    • Create warm leads from people you already know like and trust
    • Learn how to build long lasting relationship
  • Attend group meeting for the next year as agreed in this document
  • Prepare through the month for the next group meeting completing assignment
  • Support the group outside the meeting as you expect support for your goals
  • Create a positive growth environment for the group
  • Treat group members with respect and courtesy
  • Work within the group practicing the highest morals, values, and ethics.

The mission of Million Dollar Mastermind Group is to provide a mutually supportive and positive growth environment in which each group member has the opportunity to explore the possible alternatives to growing their respective businesses.  To assemble monthly for the purpose of creating ideas to propel existing/new business for the next 12 months to a minimum of $1,000,000.  As our (INTEGRITY’s) beliefs are to “have our fun meters on maximum” this process will focus on a whole life approach to include high value activities for maximizing time investment.

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5107 W. Wild Burro Spring Drive, Marana, AZ 85658.