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Why I Created Million Dollar Master Mind 3.0!

This is  a case study that I created after being referred to the CEO of a company in Commerce by an attorney in Orange County.  Please read it for the background as to why Million Dollar Master Mind 3.0 came to me.

A Business Attorney from Irvine was asked by the CEO of a company in Commerce to deal with a key employee’s need for anger management and interpersonal relationship skills management.  To make matters worse, the key employee is also a part owner of the company.  I was asked to deal with the interpersonal relationship skills management.

I needed to aggressively deal with the matter in 30 days or less.  Within fourteen days we were able to:

  • File an assessment after every session.
  • Evaluate findings and determine action.
  • Deliver all directives to client/subject in writing.
  • Review all reports, interview participants, and filed summary of findings.
  • Met with client/subject a minimum of four one hour to 90 minute sessions which included:
  1. Perform role plays as required.
  2. Assess and review in face to face interview.
  3. Participate when needed in personnel interaction.
  4. Create a system for client/subject to measure/manage results.
  5. Create interaction models for future supervisor/employee interaction.
  6. Initiate an action plan to change adversarial conditions to cooperation.
  7. Create a list of required reading for client/subject to read review, and report.
  8. Provide 24 hour availability as questions arise during process improvement period.

After two weeks the client/subject was demonstrating positive communication skills in all areas of work performance included in interacting with superiors, peers, subordinates, customers, and vendors.

The short testimonial from the CEO is below:

“Thank you for the excellent summaries!  There has been a continued and noticeable improvement in (client/subject) attitude in the last few weeks.  Again, thank you for your support and efforts.”

As I worked on the marketing strategy to meet CEO prospects who might want to hire me for the service outlined above I thought that there must be other business people who have the same need.  Therefore, the idea for Million Dollar Master Mind 3.0 was born to introduce like minded business professionals to CEO prospects.

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