Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


HOW DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO, as prepared exclusively for Al Delino


1) When You Say to Your Target Market What they WANT to Hear You Get What you WANT and They Get What They WANT.  This is the first concept to answer the question, “How do you do what you do?”

Target Market and the “saying” what is needed to be heard come from the Defining Statement.

A Defining Statement is created by a client answering this question 50 times:  WHAT DO YOU DO?  I then look at these 50 statements, looking for consistent/common:

  • Key words,
  • Phrases
  • Results

Then I craft them into a statement that is about the client’s prospect.

The Defining Statement consists:

  • one and no more than two target markets
  • two results oriented statements
  • one “and”

Here are two examples.  Can you identify the target markets and the results?

  • I work with people in business who want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals.
  • I work with people who want to start a business and business owners who want to grow their business.


The world is made up of two types of people:

PROSPECTS and REFERRALS, which do you want?  I hope you said referrals!  I show clients how to get referrals by asking for referrals in away that is comfortable, easy, and comes from people who already know, like, and trust them.

WHAT GETS IN OUR WAY OF ASKING FOR REFERRALS…We have been taught that the way to build a relationship is to:

  • Network by/with:
    • like minded individuals
    • join chambers of commerce
    • become a member of an exclusive networking where only YOU represent your industry
    • we are told to use our reticular activator to find prospects for our brother/sister members
  • The ides of these groups is over the days, months, and years we will create a know, live, and trust relationship.  From that referrals will come.  I teach people how to go direct to the prospects.
  • When I speak of SOONER THAN LATER I relate it to Return On Time Invested.  How I guide my charges to accomplish this include:
  • INTENTION planned outcomes with EVERYTHING you do to grow your business
  • what you say to your target market
  • when you say to your target market what they want to hear you get what you want and they get what they want;

Using Purposeful Networking © as an example:

  • who is your market match
  • use key words to find them
  • have your warm Knowns connect you to your prospect
  • have a script to connect you to them so they know what they want


  • what is your time commitment (how long will you be there)
    • never again will you say, “I am going to spend the day working on a brochure.”  The statement will become, “I am going to work on the outline of the brochure for 60 minutes.  Then I will spend 60 minutes finding (designing) the content for the brochure.”
  • have an expectation before you go
    • how many leads per day, week, or month
    • how many clients per day, week, or month
    • how many new referral partners per day, week, or month
  • always have a financial goal, time commitment, and an outcome expectation (intention)


AM question: What three high value activities will I do today to realize my Optimistic Number?  Asked first thing in the morning.

AM question: What three high value activities did I do today to realize my Optimistic Number?  Asked last thing at night.

High value activities are any that lead you to:

  • a new prospect
  • a new referral partner
  • a client
  • client work
  • financial gain as related to your Optimistic number

The Optimistic number is based on the SRO Formula

S is your survival number.  It is the financial number that answers the equation, “What is the minimal amount I need to survive in 30 day?”

R is your realistic number.  Most people agree that when we understand our survival number, doubling it with a little extra effort is realistic.  Your realistic number is two times your survival number.

O is your Optimistic Number.  It is four times your survival number.

People who ask the AM/PM question every day, do the work the say they will do, will reach/exceed their Optimistic Number or they will know why they did not get there.

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