Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


INTEGRITY Institute Tribe Member for the Month of July 2013

Tammy Dias, of The Franchise Connection, works with people open to new prospects and a balanced lifestyle.  She changes family lives by offering exciting business opportunities that can improve their lifestyle and their financial future for the best.  

With systems based approach Tammy pre-defines business models that create a successful collaboration with the franchisee and franchiser.  She does a franchise search to find business models that align with her client’s personal and financial goals.  Thus the result is alignment with her client’s goals going into the franchise and coming out into retirement/sale of their company.

While answering all client questions, Tammy assists them in eliminating their fears about the business ownership unknowns to help them determine which is better for them, a job or being self-employment.  Boundaries are set to deliver realistic expectations.

With her many years of owning her own businesses Tammy is the perfect person to guide a new entrepreneur to expected success.

To contact Tammy: 760-842-6908, email

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