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Million Dollar Master Mind Group Powered by INTEGRITY, Alumni and Why Each Group was Created

This is a list of alumni from our first and second Million Dollar Master Mind Group.  I thought you might be interested in seeing who proceeded you and know a little of their history with INTEGRITY.  I also included a short reason for why each group was created.   Should you want to meet or speak to any of these folks please let me know.  I have included their LinkedIn profiles.

Also, please find the “why” each group was created as a preamble in the lead paragraph for each group.

GROUP 1.0, Started on March 6th 2012 and completed on February 13th 2013.  It was born out of the desire to bring like minded people together with a common goal, to create a business model for each business owner to allow them to earn a million dollars in the ensuing 12 months.

  • Paul Rubke has been a client of INTEGRITY Networking Solutions since 2003.  We have worked together on numerous projects which include a franchise company that needed help to grow and a six year period where he ran a family owned business.  Recently we supported him in starting a new career in the area of technology.  In less than one year he has received a promotion and continues to be a key player in the growth of his new employer’s company.
  • Sue Landis started in the real estate business in 2003.  In 2004 INTEGRITY Networking Solutions was hired to help her with her marketing.  We continued to be a part of her team since.  She believes that life is about teaming up with people who you can trust!  People who have a deep level of experience and those who are committed to building life-long relationships are of primary importance to Sue. That is what drives her business and is deeply aligned to her personal values.
  • Sharon Meredith and I connected in 2005.  She actually won my service for a year.  The prize at the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce was one year of INTEGRITY Networking Solutions’s service to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals.  In two weeks she  had her marketing system up and producing.  Starting in real estate in 2004 she earned $45,000 the first year.  In 2005 with our guidance she earned $144,000.  Since Sharon has blossomed into a multilevel marketing dynamo and runs that business full time.  We continue to work as part of her team.
  • Brian Best came to me in November 2010 when I delivered a business building seminar at Mira Costa College in Encinitas.  He hired me in January 2011 and we have worked together since.  His company, Garden Spirit Landscape, heals the earth with cost effective nature scape and creates beautiful scenery.  His earth healing compost is amazing.  Brian continues to grow his business which now includes landscape architecture/design, earth healing compost, woodworking, lighting, water features, and installation.  He continues as a member of 2.0 as the group challenges his business to grow.  He eagerly embraces every challenge  which allows him to deliver increased profits and award winning installation.  Check him out at the Del mar Home and Garden Show the first weekend in March 2014.

GROUP 2.0, Started on June 4th 2013 and our last meeting will be June 3rd 2014.  Million Dollar Master Mind Group 1.0 delivered great results for all who participated.  The desire to continue this effort drove us to create 2.0.

  • John Richardson joined Palomar Airport Toastmasters in 2012.  Having been long time Toastmasters we became friends fast.  John overheard me speaking about the success of the first Million Dollar Master Mind Group.  He told that if I ever started a second group that he wanted to be a member.  John is a master blogger, author, and professional coach.  He has become a pro when it comes to collecting followers through social media.  He is well read with a background in automotive, education, and over 20 years of creating presentations.
  • Steve Matley was brought to our group by John Richardson.  He is a college administrator and an expert in construction a management.  He is also a humorist, author, and presenter who is active in non-profits that promote new business development.  With his quick wit and dry sense of humor you have to be an intent listener for his quips.  When Steve speaks everyone listens.  Knowing him is well worth the listening!
  • Lisa J. Peck joined our group with Steve Matley and John Richardson.  Her area of expertise is business/personal coaching with a focus on supporting women in transition.  She is a driver who has a direct approach that comes with compassion.  Her televisions shows, books, and network are known nationwide.  The following she created is evident by how well connected she is nationally.  Being deeply insightful she challenges her charges to be everything that they can become.

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