Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


Open Only If a CEO is a Good Referral for You

Dear CEO Prospector,

I am midway through my second Million Dollar Master Mind Group (M$MMG 2.0.)  I am so excited about the two groups and what we have accomplished that I am launching a third Million Dollar Master Mind Group (M$MMG 3.0.)  I am going to run this group simultaneously with M$MMG 2.0 with a slightly different twist*.

This is born out of the desire for small business owners, who are in constant search for new CEO prospects/clients/referral partners, to find prospects easily by helping others in the common need to connect to each other.

To qualify as a member of M$MMG 3.0 you:

1.     must have been trained in the teachings of the 4+2 Marketing, Advertising, and Promotion Strategies

2.     be willing to be trained in the teachings of the 4+2 Marketing, Advertising, and Promotion Strategies

3.     fast track short course of the 4+2 Marketing, Advertising, and Promotion Strategies (if you qualify for this)

4.     have an existing book of CEO business partners

5.     are willing to open your book of CEO business to get more CEO business

6.     able to commit one year in advance to meeting at a set time/place

7.     must be willing to make offers in two ways (the twist*)

         Give to a CEO first with no financial cost.  When we contact a CEO, it is for their interest without any conditions or strings attached, meaning it is not predicated on them having any interest in what we sell.

         Business offer to be created to provide service/product with financial gain.

The dialog around number seven comes from the fact that mostly we are hunting first for our own gain versus providing a product/service with no strings attached.  In a networking meeting the question arose, “How can we first serve a CEO and their company with the only intention to give?”

The way this will work is:

  • monthly meeting
  • consist of as many individual small business entrepreneurs as easily     serviced (estimate 5 to 20)
  • non-compete.  All partners represent different industries.
  • cost at $100 per month, $1000 for 12 months paid in advance, or $1200 month to month

You currently:

  • are a single head of operations of small business that serves CEOs or
  • in a management position looking to connect with CEOs
  • offer CEOs a hand in creating better business

INTEGRITY Institute will provide:

  • WIFI
  • Flip charts
  • White boards
  • Work space
  • Meeting space in Oceanside, restrooms, breakout rooms
  • Zen Garden
  • Water and Ice

Proposed meeting times:

  • between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM (the work day)
  • for 90 minutes
  • Monday through Friday meetings available
  • Noon is also good without lunch being served.
  • This is to be a business meeting with production as the main focus.


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5107 W. Wild Burro Spring Drive, Marana, AZ 85658.