Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


Purposeful Networking © for the Busy Entrepreneur

How to Use LinkedIn to Get Business Sooner Than Later:

  • Step Number One

Things to know about LinkedIn before you get started with Purposeful Networking ©:

  • How to open LinkedIn, get to your connections, and how to join LinkedIn
  • Know the etiquette rules for connecting on LinkedIn
  • How to add connections
  • How to use the ADVANCED search and why it is important.
  • How to maneuver through LinkedIn
  • Defining Statement/Question after your name for profile
  • Profile page editing
  • Testimonials


  • Step Number Two

What is LinkedIn for the purpose of Purposeful Networking ©?  LinkedIn for the purpose of LinkedInALive is a tool to see:

  • A list of your perfect MARKET MATCHES that are Connections of your TRUSTED ADVISORS (People you are connected to other than you.)  Demonstrate this by my bullet points for perfect client (*)  and how I want to be introduced(**).
  • Identification of hot button connections by industry, job title(s), experience, demographics. ADVANCED tab
  • Time saver to “kissing as many right frogs as possible.”  Doing searches by being specific in search terms
  • Allows you to teach those you know, like, and trust how to best connect by teaching them the money making ideas that are contained in LinkedIn but not taught.  Doing searches by being specific in search terms
  • Eliminates the “myths” that surround the teaching of LinkedIn.  See 101 Tips, Myths, and Truths of LinkedIn Success
  • Replace face to face frog kissing with meeting Kings and Queens.  Meet people through requesting connections through those who already know, like, and trust you.


  • Step Number Three

Populate your LinkedIn site with all the emails you have of persons you know, like, and trust.  Each should be sent an invitation to join you on LinkedIn.  The process for doing this is as follows:

  1. Open your LinkedIn account to your  CONNECTIONS
  2. Scroll down to the ADD CONNECTIONS and click on it
  3. Scroll across to ANY EMAIL
  5. Type in the address of the person that you are inviting to join you on LinkedIn. (Remember these only people you already KNOW!)


  • Step Number Four

Become familiar with maneuvering through LinkedIn

  1. Know how to get to your connections quickly
  2. Know the difference between sending a LinkedIn email and a regular email
  3. Understand the preference from LinkedIn email and regular email
  4. Know how to cut and paste your pre-planned message into the email you will send to a prospect/referral.
  5. Know how to use the “Advanced” tab (repeated from step number one.)
  6. Know the difference of the “basic” and “upgraded” LinkedIn membership.

Astric (*), (**), (***) examples for above


Gerry Rose’s perfect market match

  • who wants to build a legacy
  • is clear on their wanting (passionate)
  • has seen 2 to 5 years of success and wants more
  • prefers to interact with people, but might be a little insecure
  • female (99% of my clients are female) between the age of 35 to 55
  • independent of decision making (does not rely on others to make decisions)
  • is tired of doing all the things they are told to get results, yet the results just don’t come
  • is currently in the top 80% of the income earners wanting to be a top 4% income earner
  • Wants a clearly defined returns on all their investments including time, energy, creativity, and money
  • business is very unusual (as example a crystal healer) to very popular (like a realtor) where there is a need to get in front of the target market and the message needs to be clearer




Dear (Name of person you already know making the introduction,)

Could you please make an introduction for me to John Doe?  Below is the message I would like you to share with John.  Please add your own personal touch as you would like.


Subject: request to be introduced John Doe (to be placed in subject line of email)

Dear John,

My friend Gerry Rose was looking through my LinkedIn Connections.  He saw that you and I are connected and asked me to introduce you to him.  Gerry works with people in business who want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals.

Gerry would like to know if he might help you or if you know of others who might want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals.  Can I have Gerry call you?



Thanks in advance for this connection

Warmest regards,



Three examples of Defining Statements/Questions

These below came from the business owner.  They each answered this question, “What do you do?” with 50 different answers.  Those answers are then reduced to one (or two) market matches and two results oriented statements

1)      I work with people who want financial freedom and a healthy lifestyle.

Do you want financial freedom and a healthy lifestyle?

2)      I work with people in business who want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals.

Do you want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals?

3)      I work with people who want to start a business and business owners who want to grow their business.

Do you want to start a business or grow your business?

4)      We work with people who want high standard of service and earn income from real estate.

Do you want high standards of service and earn income from real estate?

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