Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield



When we believe in a higher power we are always in the right place.  Now you might think with this opening that I am about to preach.  You are my choir and know I am passionate about what you all do.  Please, if you have gotten this far, read on.  This is a layman sharing his thoughts regarding doing good business, following messages that can be considered good for business, and some that after further consideration are also good for business.

Early last month I booked a business appointment with a prospect for today.  I had previously agreed to evaluate a Toastmaster friend’s presentation at the Rancho Santa Fe (RSF) Library.  When confirming the business meeting earlier this week the husband of the couple I was to meet with was available, yet his wife had to decline the meeting.  He suggested we reschedule and I agreed.

Knowing that my Toastmaster friend was to speak today I reconfirmed his presentation, asking if he still wanted my evaluation.  I arrived 25 minutes before the speech was to be delivered.

I have been looking for a unique book to replace a book given to me at my Bar Mitzvah in 1963.  I have been searching for this book for five years at numerous used book stores and yard sales.  Next to the RSF Library is the Book Cellar where the library auxiliary sells used books.  I went into see if my book might be for sale.  The exact book reprinted in 1985 in mint condition was on the bottom shelf.  On the Internet this book sells for $30 minimum with condition unknown.  The book cost was $4.

I find it interesting how all things above came together to deliver to me this rare book in mint condition, plus I was able to evaluate my Toastmaster friend’s presentation, and it became an article to share with you.  Some call it serendipitous.  Some will call it fate.  I have learned to say that, “I am always in the right place because of my strong faith.”

I could have stayed home, avoided the traffic of traveling to RSF, yet my choice was to help a friend.  Oh, by the way, I recorded and shared a page and one half of notes evaluating my friend’s presentation which I am sure will help him in future presentations.

Being in the right place is a choice.  Some might argue that people involved in manmade or natural disasters were in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I would agree especially with their loved ones whose grief I feel. As their loved ones grieve I have to wonder, how many lives were changed from the disaster in a positive way?  What do you take away from each experience you place yourself in?  Taking responsibility for our actions while considering what the intention of our actions are and then considering the results to be delivered will lead to good business and personal outcomes.


Gerry Rose runs INTEGRITY Networking Solutions in Oceanside, CA.  He works with people in business who want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals.  More than 10,000 businesses have been presented the INTEGRITY Networking Solutions system in San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange Counties.

Gerry’s stimulating presentation Unlimited Prospects, Unlimited Referrals is ideally suited for small business owners, home-based businesses, and independent professionals who want clearer direction and want to attract more prospects, develop dynamic systems, and strengthen their companies’ accountability.  Gerry does one on one consulting, conducts a range of keynote speeches from thirty minutes to full-day education workshops.  His book series, Unlimited Prospects, Unlimited Referrals, are available on the website,

Gerry has more than 20 years’ experience directing business owners how to grow their businesses.  He is a networking dynamo.  Those who know him will assure you that he does a great job of bringing people together—which is why he started INTEGRITY.

Involved with networking organizations since 1984, Gerry is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a member of Toastmaster International, and has chaired numerous chambers of commerce and non-profit organizations.

Are you truly committed to attracting the right prospects and generate more referrals?  If so then contact INTEGRITY Networking Solutions for availability and information.  You can contact Gerry by mail at 1610 Quiet Hills Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056.  Direct dial (760) 439-4623; e-mail to  For more information, go to

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