Systems Work When You Work the Systems...
I do some of my best thinking while running. With the open desert scenery, warm breezes, and a full belly of fuel it seems like I am 16 again, as if I could run for ever. Yesterday was such a morning. As I run I often think of the values I was taught as a child. Those values have ebbed and flowed over the years. Since leaving corporate America in 1994 I have worked hard to...INTEGRITY Institute Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Tribal Activities for Rain Makers...
Events are FREE for INTEGRITY Tribe Members and their accompanied guests. See columns below for dates starting NOW, FREE fees for Tribe Members, and Costs for non-members priced from $375 to $1000 per session. RSVP a week in advance. June 5, 2018, Noon to 4 PM MILLION DOLLAR MASTER MIND FREE $1000 June 12, 2018, 1 PM to 2:30 PM Purposeful Networking © referral group FREE $375 June 19, 2018, 3 PM to 4:30...Volunteering in Our Community...
One of the best ways of networking is volunteering for a chamber of commerce committee, a non-profit organization, or a networking group. By volunteering we network to grow our businesses. Volunteering also exposes us and our businesses to many potential new clients. Through our involvement in the community, we also expose ourselves to people who may very well turn into strategic alliances who will help us develop...Road Runner Article by Guest Author, Sharon Meredith,
My dear friend Sharon ( wrote this article published in Road Runner magazine. I believe so strongly that we need good health to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals that these last two months I have published articles on health. Please benefit from Sharon’s work below. You’ve heard the saying, “without health, you have nothing”. If you or a loved one has ever...You Too Can Live to 135...
Many years ago I was listening to the radio when I heard, “People alive today will live to 135.” I immediately asked myself the question, “Why not me?” I was born in 1950. Since then I have made changes in my life to allow that optimistic number to have a chance to become reality. I lost 31 pounds in 2006 and have maintained my weight at 189 since then. I continue to exercise. ...Dirty Socks Sucker for Internet Service...
Last year when we moved to Arizona I wrote this article about the exceptional service I received from Comcast, Marana, Arizona. I would like to report that the good service continues as I went to renew it today. However, now Comcast has decided to remove the personal care I received from Marana, Arizona local representative James Allen and substitute it with a...Can we talk? Are they able to listen?...
Recently I was with three prospects. One could be a world class presenter. The other has been a financially successful entrepreneur earning annually a six figure income and with a little guidance could be again earning six figures annually. Both have experienced trauma in their lives that limit their ability to realize success. The third earns a six figure income and will soon have an Internet business that will earn a...Why, What, and Where Are You Hiding?...
The other day I was connecting. You know…bringing people together with others who are looking for work. I either teach people how to connect to attract the right prospects generating more referrals, or I am connecting people to those who can give them work, as in a job opportunity. I was doing the latter, helping a few contacts find new employment opportunities. As I have worked with these folks, many for more...The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker...
That famous line above from James Orchard Halliwell’s Rub-a-Dub-Dub nursery rhyme is a description for disaster in business. What I mean is that each of these three businesses alone, run by separate entrepreneurs, can be a smashing success. When one entrepreneur decides to take on all three simultaneously the business owner is doomed to failure. You might ask, “Why this topic?” Recently I have been exposed to a...