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INTEGRITY Institute Tribe Member for the Month of October 2013

I have worked with Sharon Meredith since August, 2005 in a number of capacities. She has a multi-faceted approach to helping people get healthy through Take Shape for Life. Sharon is one of those people who says what she means and then delivers. She always under promises and over delivers. She is one of the best and brightest I have ever met. Exceeding expectations is her calling card. As example, when teaching her a system that takes a normal person 90 days to master, Sharon had the system mastered and in place in less than two weeks. She is an over achiever that will deliver results to anyone who decides to hire her

As her career has transition she has learned her craft well connecting early successes in athletics with a passion to help those with health needs. For those in sales who are interested in a hard sell, they need not apply. Sharon will walk away from a sale if it is not the right fit. The only way she will accept a client/business partner is if they have a need and are of the highest morals, values, and ethics.

Anyone seriously interested in building a business, getting themselves/family members/friends to a healthier place they should connect with Sharon.

Contact Sharon at, 858-349-4452

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