Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


Marketing Plans for Auto Restoration Companies

I work with hobbyists who want their old iron to run like new and collectors who want their treasures to be as reliable as their daily drivers.

Marketing plans for auto restoration companies who want to act in solo.  Examples below of strategies that can be custom designed to meet individual owner needs:

  1. Communication is more than just talking and blogging.  It will show you how stay in touch with those who say, “I want to think about it.”  It will turn those into more pay days!
  2. Networking is seen by many as a have to do when growing a small business.  Know how to network with anticipated results to move your business results to profits.
  3. Business Exposition strategies often include ‘give a ways’ to increase the yield on contact gathering.  It would be great if when gathering those business cards that all those people wanted what your business has to offer.  You will discover the little known secret for how to create that offer.
  4. Golf Strategy allows our clients to play golf while doing business.  This system allows our clients to golf more frequently with their target market to deliver guaranteed results.
  5. Website is about more than SEO and AdWords.  Getting people who want your product and service to your website is an important key to your business success.  Increase your knowledge for how to get more prospects to your door.
  6. Presentation Training will teach what to say, how to get in front of the right people to say what they need to hear, and create offers that your target markets want.

Marketing plans for auto restoration companies who want to include their suppliers:

See above and include with ALL suppliers in unison.

  • Auto restoration company
    • Interiors
    • Paint and body
    • Parts
      • Glass
      • Electrical
      • Mechanical

Marketing plans for auto restoration companies who want to do an open house:

This strategy offers a give a way to increase the yield on contact gathering.  You will gather information from people who want what your business has to offer.  Below is a sample for how to create that offer.

  1. Create an offer that includes a first prize (that item of the highest value,) a second prize, and a third prize in decreasing value.
  2. The best prizes are those which only involve your time, energy, and creativity.
  3. The offering should also include a system to introduce new prospects by existing clients.

Here is an example:

The auto restoration company offers:

First Prize: $200 discount on next major service

Second Prize: Free complete auto detailing

Third Prize: Bring in a prospect (not an existing customer.)  The prospect receives a free oil change and a 101 point inspection.  The client gets two free oil changes.

It is important to gather all client information.  Creating an “entry form” with all the pertinent information is needed (see below.)  Always ask for ALL the information to be filled in or the entrant will not qualify.  The minimum information requested should be:

  • Name (first, last, middle)
  • Spouses name (first, last, middle)
  • Address
  • Business name
  • Address
  • Websites
  • Email address
  • Telephone
  • Cell phone
  • Types of cars driven, model, year
  • Types of cars collected/driven, model, year
  • Types of cars wanted, year, make, model


Gerry Rose runs INTEGRITY Networking Solutions in Oceanside, CA.  He works with people in business who want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals.  More than 10,000 businesses have been presented the INTEGRITY Networking Solutions system in San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange Counties.

Gerry’s stimulating presentation Unlimited Prospects, Unlimited Referrals is ideally suited for small business owners, home-based businesses, and independent professionals who want clearer direction and want to attract more prospects, develop dynamic systems, and strengthen their companies’ accountability.  Gerry does one on one consulting, conducts a range of keynote speeches from thirty minutes to full-day education workshops.

His book series, Unlimited Prospects, Unlimited Referrals, are available on the website,

Gerry has more than 20 years’ experience directing business owners how to grow their businesses.  He is a networking dynamo.  Those who know him will assure you that he does a great job of bringing people together—which is why he started INTEGRITY.

Involved with networking organizations since 1984, Gerry is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a member of Toastmaster International, and has chaired numerous chambers of commerce and non-profit organizations.

Are you truly committed to attracting the right prospects and generate more referrals?  If so then contact INTEGRITY Networking Solutions for availability and information.  You can contact Gerry by mail at 1610 Quiet Hills Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056.  Direct dial (760) 439-4623; e-mail to  For more information, go to

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